Rev. Gary Jacobson
Bethesda Lutheran Church, Hot Springs, SD.
Today’s Message is presented by Rev. Gary Jacobson, Pastor at Bethesda Lutheran Church in Hot Springs, SD. Titled “What Jesus is This?” the message is based on Matthew 16: 13-20. The hymns: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee; I am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus; and Go My Children With My Blessing will be led by the Main Street Living Choir. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.
In addition to the normal Sunday August 20th airing, the worship will also air on KDLT on Saturday August 19th at 5:00PM.
Kid’s Crossing-Miss Susan shares some of her favorite purple things, then she reads a story about Timothy and Paul, two members of God’s team.