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May 5th, 2019

Rev. Bret Bierman

St. John’s Aberdeen, St. Paul

Rev. Bret Bierman of St. John’s Aberdeen, St. Paul Presents the Main Street Living Sunday message “Three Times Means No Doubt”.  The message is based on John 21:14.  The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

This is the Life-“The Big Little Lie”- Curiosity and a little “white lie” results in very serious unintended developments for the Fisher family.

July 8, 2018

Rev. Bret Bierman

St. Paul in Stratford, St. John in Aberdeen, and Trinity Lutheran in Mansfield, SD.

Rev. Bret Bierman of St. Paul in Stratford, St. John in Aberdeen, and Trinity Lutheran in Mansfield brings us the message “Never Show Your Weakness” based on 2 Corinthians 12: 9.  The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  Additional information is available on the web  site: www.mainstreetliving.com.

Kid’s Crossing-Christmas in July!  Miss Lisa tells Jemimah that we can celebrate the birth of Jesus all year long, even though Jemimah’s friends laughed at her for wanting to celebrate Christmas in July.

Main Street Living | August 27, 2017

Today’s message “Rock solid, Sure” based on Matthew 16: 18. The Main Street Living Choir will lead the singing of: Christ is our Cornerstone; My Hope is Built on Nothing Less; and Great is Thy Faithfulness. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

August , 27th 2017

Rev. Bret Bierman

Trinity Lutheran in Mansfield, St. John Lutheran in rural Aberdeen, and St. Paul Lutheran in Stratford, SD.

Rev.Bret Bierman

Today’s message “Rock solid, Sure” based on Matthew 16: 18. The Main Street Living Choir will lead the singing of: Christ is our Cornerstone; My Hope is Built on Nothing Less; and Great is Thy Faithfulness. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

Kid’s Crossing-Kid’s Crossing examines the shipwreck of Paul and how God protected them.

Main Street Living | June 5, 2016

Rev. Bret Bierman of St. John, Aberdeen; St.Paul, Stratford; and Trinity in Mansfield, SD brings us today’s messsage “At the Intersection of Hope and Dispair” based on Luke 7: 11-17. The Main Street Living Choir will lead the singing of: Come, Thou Almighty King; Amazing Grace; and Go, My Children, With My Blessing. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

June 5, 2016

Rev. Bret Bierman
St. John, Aberdeen; St.Paul, Stratford; and Trinity in Mansfield, SD

Rev. Bret Bierman

3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Bret Bierman of St. John, Aberdeen; St.Paul, Stratford; and Trinity in Mansfield, SD brings us today’s message “At the Intersection of Hope and Despair” based on Luke 7: 11-17. The Main Street Living Choir will lead the singing of: Come, Thou Almighty King; Amazing Grace; and Go, My Children, With My Blessing. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

Kid’s Crossing-Jemimah learns from Miss Lisa that God has adopted us as His own children and how that brings the assurance of peace.